eFootball 2022 Editor V1.5

Editor V1.5 For eFootball 2022
Editor V1.5 For eFootball 2022
eFootball 2022 Editor V1.5
Kazemario Evolution - Updates for eFootball | A new version of eFootball Editor (V1.5) with many more editing options and improved application design is now available for eFootball 2022. eFootball is now easier to edit thanks to this tool created by EVOL_666, you can easily edit basic things in eFootball 2022 game database

Editor V1.5 For eFootball 2022


- Auto unzlib/zlib files
- Auto backup files
- Transfers between clubs
- Transfers between clubs & national teams
- Swap players
- Reorder clubs or national teams squads
- Remove player from clubs or national teams

What's new in V1.5

- Improved application design (players mini faces and teams logos are statics until we can handle uasset files)
- Catch maximum errors and show them as msg to make you always remember what are you doing
- Add player by ID (this is good for players that they don't have Club or NT)
- Show team information
- Show player information (Double click on player name)
- Edit player name/shirt name/national team shirt name

- Edit player squad number and ID (V2.0)
- Export/Import single/all players(V2.0)
(this feature will make edit player stats, skin color and linked boot&glove as INI(just text file) not as csv)
- Add Teams page(I don't know when)
(it will be like home page includes competitions/teams/coaches)
- Add Extras page(I don't know when)

How to Use

1- Open the tool
2- Click Load Files
3- Select "Pesdb" folder
4- Wait until tool loads files
5- Click Home
6- Choose teams and do your transfers


- This tool is beta so if anyone have a problem just screen it and tell me here in this thread
- Most needed free agents are in national teams (like Hummles) so before transfering player to national team to club you need to check "National Team" option above of your national team and vice versa .
- Don't delete any config file !
Thanks @mahanddeem for testing

Original Link : eFootball 2022 Editor V1.5

Password : evo-web
Credits & Thanks To : EVOL_666

Found Missing / Wrong Credits ? : if you find the wrong credits please report to our fanpage or tell at the comments
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